Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy Time

So from the first time I saw Pharrell Williams' 24-hour Happy video cycle / love letter to Los Angeles and its people, I've wanted to create a page where no matter what time it is, you can see a person dancing to the Happy video corresponding to that time. Note that the top of the hour is usually devoted to Pharrell himself, but other times appear to be random people dancing in an individual way at some random Los Angeles location.

The player is set up to stop after 4 minutes (which is one complete cycle of the song), except at the bottom of the hour, where you'll run up against the end of the hour. Refresh the page if you want to hear more.

Believe it or not, this is my first scripted web page, so be kind and let me know if it breaks for you.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Discipline in the rain

So I'm going to set a goal and try sticking to it.

Those of you who know me well know that optimism, goal-setting, and expectations of happiness are not part of my natural worldview. I would rather be certain of unhappiness than allow for the possibility of a good time, to the point of avoiding interaction with others even though I know it will make me feel better. That's only a half-joke, but it's that line of thinking that represents my biggest hurdle in life.

This makes it difficult to be an American. Because we all know that Americans are the most optimistic, forward-looking, technology-loving workers in the world; if you don't believe me, just check out the new, Europhobic, almost ridiculous ad for the Cadillac ELR:

Because Neal McDonough has carved out a niche as a character actor (he's the guy to call when you want a self-centered jerk and / or sadistic criminal), this commercial works sort of ironically, but the attitude represented is real.  I hate it, but I love how good he looks in his tailored suit jacket.  

Being detached from the usual ambitions of American culture is useful, because you can then ironically appreciate them; the trap, naturally, is your disdain becomes your personality.  And then you're just a bore.  What to do, what to do?

I've decided to try to be disciplined and create a few lines of writing and post them when an idea, like this one, occurs to me.  Without thinking too much of editing and construction, but just to put it out there and see if it strikes a chord with anyone else.

The immediate impetus for this was something a friend posted on Facebook quoting Ira Glass about how creativity is stifled by self-censorship:

THE GAP by Ira Glass from frohlocke on Vimeo.